There have been a lot of well publicized rarities in Victoria this year, and among them I have managed to catch up with Hudsonian Godwit (lifer), Upland Sandpiper (new for BC), Little Stint (lifer), Buff-breasted Sandpiper (lifer), and most recently, Blackburnian Warbler (lifer). I have been spending much of what little birding time I get searching Metchosin, Sooke, and Jordan River, in hopes of a rare bunting or hobby, but have yet to come up with anything.
The Blackburnian Warbler puts me at 297 for Victoria.... three more for that magic 300! I am continually wrong in guessing what the next one will be, so I am going to let it ride for now and take what comes!
While I continue my searches, I figured I would keep things fresh with some pics from the last couple of months.
Bald Eagles, Tyee Spit, Campbell River |
Marbled Godwit, Esquimalt Lagoon |
Caspian Terns, Esquimalt Lagoon |
Great Blue Heron and lunch, Esquimalt Lagoon |
Western Sandpiper, Esquimalt Lagoon |
Least Sandpiper, Jordan River |
And, in the spirit and celebration of the lesser creatures (bugs n slugs, etc), I headed out with Jeremy G, Janean, Thea, and Liam in search of the near-mythical Blue-Grey Taildropper...... while the little slug did not materialize, we did get Yellow-bordered Taildropper:
And two Red-legged Frogs:
A certain naturalist is definitely turning into a bad influence on me.....
Until the next adventure, good birding and rarity finding!
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